Friday, August 31, 2012

Mysterious Coincidence

Our afternoon tour consisted of two families, one couple from Idaho and the other from Layton, each with one child. They asked interesting questions. The couple from Layton came to the Fort two years ago before their son received his mission call. The tour guide had the young man spin around three times in front of the Book of Mormon display with his eyes closed, then point to a Book of Mormon. The young man tried to point to the one in French because he wanted to learn French, but instead he pointed to the one in Dutch. The young man is currently serving in Holland!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Cove Fort Cinder Cone

Toward the Fort

Toward Beaver

The sunsets at Cove Fort remind me of the sunsets in Tobago.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Todd and Debbie

The morning shift starts right after church. We were sent to greet a car and Elder Jones came out of the main and said his tour group knew us.We took over his tour and Elder Jones greeted our car. We greeted Heidi (daughter),Todd and Debbie Maihofer  and Elizabeth (granddaughter of Debbie) from Page.  It was fun to visit with them and share the Fort with them.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Big Rock Candy Mountain

We had ribs and pulled port at the restaurant, delightful. It is located about 5 miles off I 70 on Hwy 89.

The Seiver River was beautiful and we followed it back toward I 70.

We drove through rain on the way home.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


On the way to our shift, two llamas crossed the road.

 About 7pm we saw the llamas eating our lawn.

The llamas belong to a rancher near the Fort. They were loose for a couple of days before Mr. Peacock captured them and returned them to his yard.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cove Fort Days

During the two days, August 3-4, we had each room manned with a missionary so that the guests could go through at their leisure. Missionaries were stationed in the out buildings and near the video viewing rooms. We had about 3500 visitors to enjoy the free hot dogs, chips, drinks, wagon rides, stage coach rides, Joseph Smith video, Cove Fort video, reenactment village, soap making, bee keeper, bands, musical entertainment and more.

On Saturday, I had just finished covering the older girls room 5-6pm. We started cleaning up.
We stopped counting the visitors who drove in and started our usual pattern of giving tours to the guests. I went up to the MPR as my shift had ended. I was assigned some people who were walking toward the Fort. I found out it was a family with two teenage boys. They were from Belgium and they spoke Dutch. Their English was good and they seemed to comprehend my explanations well. They are traveling around the US. They have been to Las Vegas, Yellowstone and Salt Lake among several other places. They are headed to Zion, Bryce and the Grand Canyon. They stopped at Cove Fort for a break.

 I started teaching about the Church in the Telegraph room and continued on through the rest of the rooms. I talked about tithing in the Boy’s Room. In the Best Room we talked about how one becomes a prophet which continued through the last room. The father initiated the question. In the parents room I told them how I had participated in the sustaining of President Monson. The wife was ready to fill out a referral card as were the boys. The father said we (meaning him and his wife) have a difference of opinion about having a Book of Mormon delivered in Dutch. I told them that each person needed to decide for himself about the truthfulness of what I had shared with them. I told them that they didn’t come to the Fort by accident that the spirit had brought them here. I gave them the literature packet to read and study. I told them to mail the card if they changed their minds. She really wanted to fill it out right then. The spirit was strong. They loved the sharing toy and its message, including the father. What a neat family.