Saturday, June 23, 2012

Memory Book

A Memory Book is in progress for the missionaries at Cove Fort. We had to provided a page:

When Sister Ross and I first received our call to serve as missionaries at Cove Fort we were both excited and concerned, excited to serve the Lord and concerned that we would be able to learn all that was necessary to be effective in our callings.

At the MTC, we expected to learn how to be efficient tour guides, how to conduct tours that would be filled with historical and interesting information about the Fort and its important history. It soon became clear that our calling and responsibilities were far greater and more important.  We learned that the Fort and its artifacts were in fact tools to help convey the Spirit in a way that few other ways could compare.

We learned that as visitors gained an awareness of the courage and sacrifices of the Hinkleys and others, the Spirit would bear witness to them of the power and importance of the Gospel in their personal lives and in the lives of their families.

Time and again we have been privileged to see the Spirit manifest himself and confirm that the Gospel that the Hinkleys loved was the Gospel that they needed to learn more about and embrace in their personal lives.

Perhaps our favorite moments came when offering the Sharing Toy to a child and teaching about the need we all have to keep the Savior in the center of our lives.  On one occasion we were bearing our testimony of the Savior’s example and how it can change our lives if we will learn of him and keep his commandments.  The parents, though members of the Church, were obviously less active.  We felt the Spirit bear witness to them that they needed to turn their lives around and reconnect with Christ and his Church.

It was an experience we will never forget and a feeling we will treasure forever… as we will our mission at Cove Fort.

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