Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July Fourth, 2012

Today is the Fourth of July, 2012, a special day in so many ways.  It is the birthday of our wonderful nation.  So many great men and women have recognized the important truth that the United States of America came into being in order to fulfill prophesy.  Without America and our inspired constitution, the restoration of the Gospel and the preparation of the Earth for the Second Coming of the Savior would have been thwarted. 
To us here at the Cove Fort Historic Site, the day was appropriately honored by all of the missionaries as well as some special guests and friends.  It began with the raising of the flag.  All of the men who had served in the military were called upon to take part by passing the flag up the Rampart to the flagpole and then rendering a military hand salute as it was raised.  I had not known before but in 2008 Congress passed a law which authorizes all veterans to render a hand salute in honor of the flag or the National Anthem.  Prior to this law, a hand salute could only be given while in full uniform.  The new law is good and appropriate.  Over half of the men in our mission were veterans. 
As the flag was raised, and my personal salute was rendered, I could not contain the quiet tears as I thought of my country and all of the brave men and women who had given the greatest and final sacrifice so that I and my loved ones could remain free.
Today I am proud to be an American, proud to have served in the United States Navy, proud of my wonderful family, proud to be part of the Savior’s Church, and proud to be here at Cove Fort serving a mission.


  1. I love you two so much! Thanks for your service, Grandpa Ross. And your pictures are so amazing!

  2. I got a little choked up reading this. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Eva,you really are having a wonderful mission! I caught up on some of your comments. They are great! Best of wishes to you and George. The Lord is pouring out his Spirit on you and Cove Fort.
    Hurrah for Zion! Kathy Farnsworth, South Jordan
